Friday, December 6, 2013

Chahtech au Forum Afrique : 100 innovations pour un développement durable

Forum Afrique : cent innovations pour un développement durable
(Paris, 5 décembre 2013)

Le ministère français des Affaires étrangères organise aujourd’hui un "Forum Afrique : cent innovations pour un développement durable".
Cette initiative de M. Pascal Canfin, ministre délégué chargé du Développement, s’inscrit dans le cadre du Sommet de l’Élysée pour la paix et la sécurité en Afrique.
Organisé en partenariat avec l’Agence française de développement, cet événement vise à mettre en valeur les innovations portées par les Africains, dans les domaines du recyclage de matières premières, de la valorisation des déchets, des techniques de construction, de l’éducation, de la santé, etc. Pour les porteurs d’innovation présents, le forum sera l’occasion d’échanges avec les entreprises, les ONG et les acteurs institutionnels susceptibles de contribuer à la diffusion de leurs projets.
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Une sélection des innovations présentées au cours de ce forum est disponible sur France Diplomatie. De nombreuses vidéos peuvent également être visionnées sur YouTube.
Parmi les 21 projets mis à l’honneur pendant la conférence figure un diffuseur d’eau enterré pour mieux gérer l’irrigation développé par Chahbani Technologies, une jeune entreprise tunisienne innovante qui conçoit et produit de nouvelles méthodes d’irrigation pour les agriculteurs ou les aménageurs d’espaces verts.,2402

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rehabilitation of olive trees plantation and drought mitigation using Buried Diffusers

As part of its program to reduce the effects of climate change, ASPBAE Boughrara supported by the Global Environment Facility has chosen to use The Buried Diffuser. The main objective of this project is the rehabilitation of olive trees plantation in the Jorf peninsula (southern Tunisia) suffering from drought affecting crops and farmers revenues. In a TV report, carried out by Wataniya (Tunisian National TV), on the launch of the project, Dr. Bellcahheb Chahbani (at 1”50) describes the role of The Buried Diffuser in this project. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Burkina Faso adopts The Buried Diffuser

CHAHTECH SA is pleased to welcome an engineers team from the National Focal Point of the Convention on Biological Diversity attached to the Permanent Secretariat of the National Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development of Burkina Faso.
This delegation will visit Tunisian farms equipped with Buried Diffusers. A special program, to take advantage of all the benefits of The Buried Diffuser (water saving, energy saving, reduction of pesticides/insecticides, improved productivity, water conservation...) will start after this visit with the installation of an experimental plot (over 2000 Buried Diffusers) of vegetables (corn, tomato and onions) in Burkina Faso.

Le Burkina Faso adopte Le Diffuseur Enterré

CHAHTECH SA a le plaisir de recevoir une équipe d'ingénieurs du Point Focal National de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique au Secrétariat Permanent du Conseil National pour l'Environnement et le Développement Durable​ du Burkina Faso. Cette délégation visitera les ​fermes Tunisiennes équipées de diffuseurs enterrés et se formera à l'utilisation de ce dernier pour une gestion optimale des eaux d'irrigation.

Un programme, visant à tirer profit de tous les avantages du diffuseur enterré (économie d'eau, économie d'énergie, réduction des pesticides/insecticides, amélioration de la productivité, conservation de l'eau...), démarrera dès la fin de cette visite avec l'installation d'une parcelle d'expérimentation (plus de 2000 diffuseurs) de maraichéculture (maïs, tomate et oignons) au Burkina Faso.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

FAQ section added

We added a new section with frequently asked questions about The Buried Diffuser:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Installing The Buried Diffuser For Olive Trees - Video

Please check this video which illustrates the different installation steps of Buried Diffusers for olive... 

Underground irrigation using The Buried Diffuser. Fore more details, please visit:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

CHAHTECH in Morocco

 CHAHTECH and its partner WWS, responsible for marketing the Buried Diffuser in Morocco, were present at the International Agricultural Fair in Meknes (SIAM) and Water Expo and Forum 2013 in Casablanca. These events were a huge success. In fact, hundreds of visitors (engineers, scientists, farmers, technicians...) attend our booth for demos and presentations about the Buried Diffuser.
Mr Fouad DOUIRI, Moroccan Minister of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment and Mr. Mathieu Babaud Darret, Minister of Water and Forests of Côte d'Ivoire have long traded with Dr. Chahbani and its Moroccan partners.

The Buried Diffuser, as an innovative solution providing concrete answers to farmers problems, was definitely adopted. Several putting-in in many regions have been planned.

Chahtech SA in KSA

CHAHTECH, Water Efficiency France and Delta Water Efficiency, responsible for marketing the Buried Diffuser in the Arabian Gulf countries, made a series of demonstrations at several agricultural groups specialized in the production of dates and olive oil. This successful operation will be followed by large-scale installations of Buried Diffuser.

Farm managers, aware of issues related to water management, wish to join the Buried Diffuser not only as a conventional irrigation system, but rather as a revolutionary methodology for optimal water management (Anticipated Irrigation and Injection of water in deep soil layers).

Looking for partners/distributors for the Buried Diffuser

                   Looking for partners/distributors for the Buried Diffuser

Our company Chahtech SA ( is looking for worldwide distributors for the Buried Diffuser. Many opportunities have to be considered and we are ready to discuss serious partnership propositions. If you are interested, please contact me at:

New concepts: Anticipated irrigation and Water injection and storage in the deep soil Layers of the plantations using the Buried Diffuser

                   New concepts: Anticipated irrigation and Water injection and storage in the deep soil Layers of the plantations using the Buried Diffuser

o Concepts
After the use of the buried diffuser for the regular irrigation, Chahtech SA has created a new method for “anticipated irrigation” and “water injection in the deep soil layers”. The goal of this new concept is to save and conserve the huge of water received during the wet season, for the next dry season.
More then that, in other regions of the world the challenge is higher: how to save and conserve the huge of water received during the wet or rainy years to be used during the long dry period: one till 3 years.
Both “anticipated irrigation” and “water injection” are solutions for drought mitigation and for climate change adaptation and for the regularisation of the crops yields.

o More details:
The “anticipated irrigation’’, instead of irrigation during the hot or the dry season, the
irrigation using buried diffusers is done during the autumn and winter or during the rainy season. The amount of water of the “anticipated irrigation” should cover the total need of the crop during the hot or dry season (spring and summer). This water amount is stored in the deep soil layers will be used by the deep or sub surface roots systems of the crops.
The Water injection in the deep soil layers is useful especially for trees crops. The injected
water comes from: dams, rivers, and springs. The amount of the injected water could cover the need of the trees for several years (2 to 3years) when the soil below 50cm is thick (1 meter or more). This injected water is conserved (stored) in the deep soil layers (50 cm below the soil surface) and used later by the deep root systems of the trees during a long drought period: six months till 3years. During the Drought the trees produce normally using the injected and stored water. According to long injection period (15 days to 90 days none stop: days and nights), it is recommended to use our “energy less” system of water “pumping” and distribution using the gravity. This system uses our second product: “the draining floater”. This system is described in another report which could be downloaded from our website:

o Trials in Fields
On February 2013 Chahtech SA started 2 trials in the field of a farmer in Nouvelle Matmata Arid region (South of Tunisia).
The first trial includes the installation of diffusers (each tree has 3 diffusers model 15/15) for 2 olive trees suffering from long drought (75% of the leaves are dried). Each tree was irrigated with 2250 litters using the diffusers. 2 Months later (April 2013) the 2 irrigated trees become green with new leaves and young branches. The irrigations water given to each tree is sufficient for 4 months.
The second trial is the injection of 10 cubic meters of water in the deep soil layers (below the buried diffuser) using only one buried diffuser model 15/30. The irrigation duration is 52 continuous days; no stop (24/24 hours, 7/7 days).
The excavation of a trench (6 meters long and 4 meters deep) to discover the wetted area of the deep soil layers below the buried diffuser which injected 10 000 litters showed the wetted area result of the injection of 10000 litters has 6 meters diameter and 2 meters deep. This means, that a trees equipped with 4 buried diffusers, will r receive, after 52 days of injection, 40 cubic meters. This volume (40 cubic meters stored in 100cm soil below the diffuser , containing minimum 10% clay), is sufficient to maintain the tree in life and in optimal production conditions, during 4 completely dry years.
For more information contact us on or visit our website